Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Driving Directions:
The village hall is located within downtown Prairie du Sac behind Hansen's IGA and the Bank of Prairie du Sac.
The Village of Prairie du Sac was incorporated in 1885 and is governed by a seven-member Village Board. The Village is located approximately 20 miles northwest of Madison, on the banks of the Wisconsin River and the Great Sauk State Trail. The Village provides services such as emergency services, transportation, parks, library, municipal utilities including water, electric, and sanitary sewer, and more. The village's population grew substantially in recent decades, increasing from approximately 2,100 residents in the 1980s to over 4,400 residents today with a tax base of $671,594,000. Prairie du Sac offers a great quality of life offering recreation, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.